A Deployment is part of the orchestration layer Orchestration. Be sure to read up on that too!
A Deployment
orchestrates a single Executor
to accomplish a task. Documents are processed by Executors.
You can think of a Deployment as an interface to configure and launch your microservice architecture, while the heavy lifting is done by the service itself.
Why use a Deployment?#
Once you’ve learned about Documents, DocLists and Executors, you can split a big task into small independent modules and services.
Deployments let you scale these Executors independently to match your requirements.
Deployments let you easily use other cloud-native orchestrators, such as Kubernetes, to manage your service.
The most trivial Deployment
is an empty one. It can be defined in Python or from a YAML file:
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment()
jtype: Deployment
For production, you should define your Deployments with YAML. This is because YAML files are independent of the Python logic code and easier to maintain.
Minimum working example#
from jina import Deployment, Executor, requests
from docarray import DocList, BaseDoc
class MyExecutor(Executor):
def foo(self, docs: DocList[BaseDoc], **kwargs) -> DocList[BaseDoc]:
dep = Deployment(name='myexec1', uses=MyExecutor)
with dep:'/bar', inputs=BaseDoc(), return_type=DocList[BaseDoc], on_done=print)
from jina import Deployment, Executor, requests
from docarray import DocList, BaseDoc
class MyExecutor(Executor):
def foo(self, docs: DocList[BaseDoc], **kwargs) -> DocList[BaseDoc]:
dep = Deployment(port=12345, name='myexec1', uses=MyExecutor)
with dep:
from jina import Client
from docarray import DocList, BaseDoc
c = Client(port=12345)'/bar', inputs=BaseDoc(), return_type=DocList[BaseDoc], on_done=print)
jtype: Deployment
name: myexec1
uses: FooExecutor
from jina import Deployment, Executor, requests
from docarray import DocList, BaseDoc
from docarray.documents import TextDoc
class FooExecutor(Executor):
def foo(self, docs: DocList[TextDoc], **kwargs) -> DocList[TextDoc]:
for doc in docs:
doc.text = 'foo was here'
return docs
from jina import Deployment
from docarray import DocList, BaseDoc
from docarray.documents import TextDoc
dep = Deployment.load_config('deployment.yml')
with dep:
try:'/bar', inputs=TextDoc(), on_done=print)
except Exception as ex:
# handle exception
The statement with dep:
starts the Deployment, and exiting the indented with block stops the Deployment, including its Executors.
Exceptions raised inside the with dep:
block will close the Deployment context manager. If you don’t want this, use a try...except
block to surround the statements that could potentially raise an exception.
Convert between Python and YAML#
A Python Deployment definition can easily be converted to/from a YAML definition:
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment.load_config('flow.yml')
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment()
Start and stop#
When a Deployment
starts, all the replicated Executors will start as well, making it possible to reach the service through its API.
There are three ways to start a Deployment: In Python, from a YAML file, or from the terminal.
Generally in Python: use Deployment as a context manager.
As an entrypoint from terminal: use
Jina CLI <cli>
and a Deployment YAML file.As an entrypoint from Python code: use Deployment as a context manager inside
if __name__ == '__main__'
No context manager, manually call
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment()
with dep:
The statement with dep:
starts the Deployment, and exiting the indented with
block stops the Deployment, including its Executor.
jina deployment --uses deployment.yml
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment()
if __name__ == '__main__':
with dep:
The statement with dep:
starts the Deployment, and exiting the indented with
block stops the Deployment, including its Executor.
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment()
Your addresses and entrypoints can be found in the output. When you enable more features such as monitoring, HTTP gateway, TLS encryption, this display expands to contain more information.
Set multiprocessing spawn
Some corner cases require forcing a spawn
start method for multiprocessing, for example if you encounter “Cannot re-initialize CUDA in forked subprocess”.
You can use JINA_MP_START_METHOD=spawn
before starting the Python script to enable this.
In case you set JINA_MP_START_METHOD=spawn
, make sure to use Flow as a context manager inside if __name__ == '__main__'
The script entrypoint (starting the flow) needs to be protected when using spawn
start method.
There’s no need to set this for Windows, as it only supports spawn method for multiprocessing.
Serve forever#
In most scenarios, a Deployment should remain reachable for prolonged periods of time. This can be achieved from the terminal:
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment()
with dep:
jina deployment --uses deployment.yml
The .block()
method blocks the execution of the current thread or process, enabling external clients to access the Deployment.
In this case, the Deployment can be stopped by interrupting the thread or process.
Serve until an event#
Alternatively, a multiprocessing
or threading
object can be passed to .block()
, which stops the Deployment once set.
from jina import Deployment
import threading
def start_deployment(stop_event):
"""start a blocking Deployment."""
dep = Deployment()
with dep:
e = threading.Event() # create new Event
t = threading.Thread(name='Blocked-Flow', target=start_flow, args=(e,))
t.start() # start Deployment in new Thread
# do some stuff
e.set() # set event and stop (unblock) the Deployment
A Deployment YAML can be exported as a Docker Compose YAML or Kubernetes YAML bundle.
Docker Compose#
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment()
jina export docker-compose deployment.yml docker-compose.yml
This will generate a single docker-compose.yml
For advanced utilization of Docker Compose with Jina, refer to How to
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment
jina export kubernetes deployment.yml ./my-k8s
The generated folder can be used directly with kubectl
to deploy the Deployment to an existing Kubernetes cluster.
For advanced utilisation of Kubernetes with Jina please refer to How to
Based on your local Jina version, Executor Hub may rebuild the Docker image during the YAML generation process.
If you do not wish to rebuild the image, set the environment variable JINA_HUB_NO_IMAGE_REBUILD
If an Executor requires volumes to be mapped to persist data, Jina will create a StatefulSet for that Executor instead of a Deployment.
You can control the access mode, storage class name and capacity of the attached Persistent Volume Claim by using Jina environment variables
. Only the first volume will be considered to be mounted.
See also
For more in-depth guides on deployment, check our how-tos for Docker compose and Kubernetes.
The port or ports arguments are ignored when calling the Kubernetes YAML, Jina will start the services binding to the ports 8080, except when multiple protocols need to be served when the consecutive ports (8081, …) will be used. This is because the Kubernetes service will direct the traffic from you and it is irrelevant to the services around because in Kubernetes services communicate via the service names irrespective of the internal port.
The default jina.logging.logger.JinaLogger
uses rich console logging that writes to the system console. The log_config
argument can be used to pass in a string of the pre-configured logging configuration names in Jina or the absolute YAML file path of the custom logging configuration. For most cases, the default logging configuration sufficiently covers local, Docker and Kubernetes environments.
Custom logging handlers can be configured by following the Python official Logging Cookbook examples. An example custom logging configuration file defined in a YAML file logging.json.yml
- StreamHandler
level: INFO
format: '%(asctime)s:{name:>15}@%(process)2d[%(levelname).1s]:%(message)s'
formatter: JsonFormatter
The logging configuration can be used as follows:
from jina import Deployment
dep = Deployment(log_config='./logging.json.yml')
jtype: Deployment
log_config: './logging.json.yml'
Supported protocols#
A Deployment can be used to deploy an Executor and serve it using gRPC
protocol, or a composition of them.
gRPC protocol#
gRPC is the default protocol used by a Deployment to expose Executors to the outside world, and is used to communicate between the Gateway and an Executor inside a Flow.
HTTP protocol#
HTTP can be used for a stand-alone Deployment (without being part of a Flow), which allows external services to connect via REST.
from jina import Deployment, Executor, requests
from docarray import DocList
from docarray.documents import TextDoc
class MyExec(Executor):
def foo(self, docs: DocList[TextDoc], **kwargs) -> DocList[TextDoc]:
for doc in docs:
doc.text = 'foo was here'
return docs
dep = Deployment(protocol='http', port=12345, uses=MyExec)
with dep:
This will make it available at port 12345 and you can get the OpenAPI schema for the service.

Composite protocol#
A Deployment can also deploy an Executor and serve it with a combination of gRPC and HTTP protocols.
from jina import Deployment, Executor, requests
from docarray import DocList
from docarray.documents import TextDoc
class MyExec(Executor):
def foo(self, docs: DocList[TextDoc], **kwargs) -> DocList[TextDoc]:
for doc in docs:
doc.text = 'foo was here'
return docs
dep = Deployment(protocol=['grpc', 'http'], port=[12345, 12346], uses=MyExec)
with dep:
This will make the Deployment reachable via gRPC and HTTP simultaneously.
The most important methods of the Deployment
object are the following:
Method |
Description |
Starts the Deployment. This will start all its Executors and check if they are ready to be used. |
Stops and closes the Deployment. This will stop and shutdown all its Executors. |
Uses the Deployment as a context manager. It will automatically start and stop your Deployment. |
Sends requests to the Deployment API. |
Blocks execution until the program is terminated. This is useful to keep the Deployment alive so it can be used from other places (clients, etc). |
Generates a Docker-Compose file listing all Executors as services. |
Generates Kubernetes configuration files in |
Check if the Deployment is ready to process requests. Returns a boolean indicating the readiness. |